
Retaining my sense of humor....

From the journal of Dr. Douchebag Ph.D

"Patient is suffering from severe paranoid delusions. He believes that aliens he calls "haters" from the planet "hood" are after him. He believes they are involved in a conspiracy against him to "block" his "cock" and wreck his games. When I asked the patient if these were board games or video games he gave me a look of hostility and contempt and would not give an answer. Patient may be violent. He is not willing to discuss his fantasy world. He claims that ice cubes, ice tea and m & m's speak to him and that they talk to him about these alien "haters" from the planet "hood". He believes that these aliens which he calls "haters" are not just after him but are trying to wreck the games of many others as well including "wrap artists". Patient also believes that I am a racist or a fascist."